Nov izdelek - avtomatska linija za proizvodnjo dišečih sveč
1,Yide scented candle automatic line,first step fully automatic wick inserting machine,wick inserting machine can produce 2500-3000pcs/h if only insert 1 wick.The high advantage of the machine is can realize cut the pre-wax wick accurately with the tab tightly and glue spraying to wick tab and centering to the middle position of each jar.
2,Then go through the little conveyor belt to the pusher device.Push device can realize to push the jars to the conveyor belt automatically,and the jar push mold can quickly arrange the jars neatly one by one and maintain the same spacing,more efficiently.It can meet different demands of jar pushing situation ,like 4 pcs,6 pcs ,8 pcs etc with the counting function.Motor driver is gently moving the jars to the conveyor belt ,no worry about the jar falling down or not in the right position.The pusher system program is connect with the conveyor belt to match the speed and distance ,no moving ,no pushing.Two splitter device to choose for different type of container ,one is cylinder type and one is rotary mould type.
3,3rd part is pre-heating tunnel.Preheating is major for transparent glass,through the heating tunnel the glass with temp and filling the hot liquid wax to solid well,it can be avoided the wax take off from the jar.Upgrade Voltage control instead of traditional temperature control,it is can keep all the heating element at same temperature always and make each jar with same temperature,no temperature difference and can continuously heating.
4,And then it is filling part,the advanced filling system is updated by our standard machine add intelligence to be auto.This candle filling system is very suitable for the scented candle manufacturer who have a lot of different scents and need to change fragrance frequently.The machine is a complete sets combine the wax.It’s program control the actions of the XYZ system to realize left
and right,front and back ,up and down,it is unbelievable but so amazing.As the speed and postion all can be controlled accuracy and flexible to make the filling nozzle moving auto instead of manual.Under the high labour cost and low efficiency that is why we develop the machines to make changes and improvement.
5,If you want to know more about Yide automatic candle filling line,please feel free to contact us and send inquiry.Thank you!
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